10/23/2024 9:35:42 PM Importance of Strong AI Policies in School Districts By Lauren Rubio Laura Wagner A lawsuit involving a student and a Massachusetts school district highlights the importance of having clear AI policies, procedures and...
10/23/2024 9:29:44 PM If Passed, Proposition 2 Will Fix Neglected School Buildings in California By Daniel Zerga A statewide bond measure is on the ballot this November. If passed, Proposition 2 would authorize $10 billion in general obligation bonds...
10/15/2024 10:05:23 PM California Limits Cell Phone Usage In School By Sheryl Bailey California recently made headlines as it becomes the fifth state in the U.S. to pass legislation aimed at reducing cell phone...
10/15/2024 10:00:10 PM School Districts May Be Required to Announce the Use of AI-Powered Robo Calls By Mark Williams Treesineu McDaniel School Districts (as well as other entities), under existing law, must use a “natural” voice to notify the listener that a recording...
10/15/2024 12:42:46 AM New Legislation Expands the Right to Obtain Restraining Orders to Protect Students By Dan Ojeda Governor Newsom recently signed AB 2096 into law with the goal of providing California public higher education institutions another tool...
10/9/2024 11:20:34 PM University Support For Student Parents Can Boost DEI Initiatives By Dan Ojeda Research by the California Alliance for Student Parent Success used state data to help understand how higher education institutions can...
10/8/2024 3:17:45 AM Meaningful Change in How Schools Address Mental Health By Dee Anna Hassanpour Improving schools’ approach to mental health requires a holistic integration of emotional wellness into the fabric of education, beyond...
10/2/2024 11:49:32 PM Court Finds Professor’s Invasion of Privacy Claim Against University Viable By Dan Ojeda California Court of Appeal reverses trial court and permits former professor to pursue invasion of privacy claims against the University...